Monday, March 19, 2012

Easter Festival - April 1st

Easter Festival April 1st
(It’s not just for kids anymore!)

This event is for all ages, from our youngest kids to our grandparents in the congregation. Lunch will be served in the Fellowship Hall from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., followed by a program by chalk artist Joseph J. Graber at 1:00 p.m.

Immediately following Joseph’s program, we will hold our annual Easter Egg Hunt outside of the children’s building.

There will be No DIG Kid’s Ministry at 11:00.

Any donations of candy for the Easter egg hunt are appreciated. You can drop these off at the church office or in the Connection Center on Sunday.

Check out Joseph J. Graber's chalk art!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Teaching from the Old Testament

In this month's issue of K! Magazine, Phil Vischer shared in an article about the different reasons why we, as educators, pastors, directors, and/or parents need to teach the stories of the Old Testament. There are so many exciting stories in the Old Testament...but along with those stories like Noah and the Ark, David and Goliath, and Daniel in the lions den, we have stories that seem to repeat themselves over and over...and over again. Vischer ask's us why then can't we just skip to the good stuff, his response though simple, helps me understand that there is a purpose behind all that is in the Bible (even if it is not easily made into a puppet show or felt board story). He says, "So why not skip right from Moses to David, to Jesus? Why? Because God didn't. God let Israel wrestle around in their exasperatingly messy faithful/unfaithful tug-of-war for 1000 years. 1000 years! He must have a reason." 

God let them struggle. This is a little hard to stomach. He let them struggle for 1000 years. This means that the people who struggled in year 50 died before they got to the end of year 1000. They died struggling. Generation after generation they seem to go through the same battle: listen and obey to God or ignore and sin. Over and over and over again they cycle through this same thing. Why did God let this go on so long? Why did people die in a struggle? I'm guessing that the stories we read about in the Old Testament, the stories that really excite us now...excited them then too. I'm guessing that grandpa's would sit down with their grandkids and tell the same exact stories that we tell our kids now and I'm guessing that these stories along with a promise for a Redeemer allowed them to press on. I'm guessing that among this struggle there was anticipation. 

But why 1000 years? Why so much struggle? Vischer puts it best, "So they would learn - with absolute, positive certainty - that they couldn't do it on their own. They couldn't be good enough for God. Couldn't be faithful. Couldn't stay pure. The lesson was for Israel, but also for us. You see, until we're convinced we can't do it on our own, we aren't ready for help. We aren't ready for a savior -- "one who saves." Isn't this the truth? Because the Israelites struggled for so long and failed. Because they could not do it on their own...they learned and we learn, that we can't do it on our own. We need a redeemer. We need transformation. We need Christ. 

So why should we teach from the Old Testament? Why can't we just tell people they need God and move on? Why can't we skip ahead to the cool part when Jesus comes and saves us all? "God gave us the Old Testament for more than wallpaper borders. He gave us the Old Testament to point us eagerly to the solution He had in mind from the very beginning --- a Savior."